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Kelly McNees

The Journey...

After a lifetime of ignoring her gifts and intuition, and years of the universe showing her her natural potential as a healer, clearing agent, mystical guide and reader, Kelly finally decided to stop feeling victim to her gifts and take charge. She called out to the powers that be, asking for her true next steps, trainings and life purpose be revealed. She very specifically asked for a conversation to take place that day at work to guide her in the right direction! Low and behold, not ten minutes later, a woman offering The Life Activation walked in and boom!!! It was go time.

Kelly has found more personal and spiritual healing, growth and progression in the last 7 years since choosing The Life Activation, Empower Thyself Initiation, Universal Kabbalah (and several other healings through the Lineage of King Salomon), than she had in the previous ten years of actively seeking other healing modalities. Depression? Gone. Abundance? On point. Clarity of purpose? 10 for 10. Personal Empowerment? Oh yeah!

She likes results and thought her own experiences with the Lineage of King Salomon she chose to go get more attunements and trainings as a healer.

Along with her natural gifts, she has been handed down ancient tools of healing and transformation and it is her mission to share what has worked for her, guiding others to heal and be empowered to create the life they want. Kelly is also a Certified Modern Mystery School Life Activation Practitioner, Healer and Teacher, as well as a Jikiden Reiki Practitioner and Usui Tibetan Reiki Master. She aslo teaches yoga, meditation, and dance.

  She has known much pain, yet through this healers path she has transformed beyond belief. She knows it’s possible because she's done it! She believes the way to find peace is inward, as we heal ourselves we radiate light into our world, breaking down conditioning on all levels. So why not assist the process with amazing sessions and tools of transformation.


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Through her work she hopes to help people of the world to step forward into their power, potential, and unique life purpose.

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